Grace in the Midst of Life's Storms

From Darkness to Light: One Woman's Journey Along the Path to Redemption

There are generational mantels waiting for you.

In every family there is a mantle (or more) that either gets passed down to the next generation or dropped. Mantles that are picked up or passed on, help families move in the prophetic, pastoral, evangelistic, teaching, missions, and more.

Mantles that are dropped, must be picked up or they will continue to pass “over” from one generation to the next just laying there. These mantles were dropped for some, many generations before you and they are waiting for you to reach down with your hands and lay hold of them. Because these mantles’ were not “thrown over” those before you, they must now be claimed. You have seen many generational curses in your life get passed from one generation to the next and sometimes they have skipped particular people in your family. Then it came to you. You were the one who decided to fight before you knew what fighting was. There is a deep resilience in you that refuses to let go of life. Even in the deepest depths, where you felt like you were in hell, you held on. You got up. You climbed out of the pit because you knew there was a calling, something more, even if you did not have words for it. You knew that something was different about you.

Then you met Jesus. You had an encounter that would change your life. Something in you was reawakened. Something new but deeply familiar. In your inner most being, you slowly came to life in a way you never imagined. While others around you rose in their platforms, you were tucked away and hidden while the deep work was taking place. You were told to “trust” and you did. You were told to “obey” and you did. You were told to “follow” and you did. Why? Because you knew deep within you there was something you were supposed to do. But even in the moments of questioning you would be told “trust”, “obey”, and “follow” so you did. Soon it will all make sense remnant. Soon.

Now the Lord is calling you to “seek”. ”Seek” His face. “Seek” His plans. ”Seek” all that He has for you while you continue to “trust”, “obey”, and “follow”. You dear remnant have generational mantles to pick up, to lay ahold of that will shift your generational line forever. You must “seek first” and then you will find. The Lord will reveal to you who dropped them, when they dropped them, why they dropped them, and so much more. 

Some of you have pastoral callings that are generational, but someone decided not to pursue that calling where they would have passed it to you, but other things distracted them, or “pulled” them into another direction. They may have prospered, however they stopped this mantle from being passed that the Lord God designated for them. You know who you are. It is yours. You must choose to grab it by telling the Lord YES to the calling. You must choose to lay hold of what God ordained for your family. If you don’t then it will pass over you too.

Some of you have a generational mantle of a prophet. What you have seen is mouthpieces for the enemy in your family through gossip, slander, backbiting, divisiveness, hatred, judgement, covertness, racism, and more. So strongly that it cut your heart to hear people in your family to speak such things. You always wondered why you were different. Why you decided to be different than those around you. You even struggled for a time with some of the same things, yet you knew that it was not who you were called to be and it always hurt you to speak in those ways, especially about others. So, you chose to be different. Pick up your mantle prophet. Be the mouthpiece for the Lord and user in a new generation of prophets in your family. Don’t be afraid to speak when the Lord gives you the utterance to do so. It’s okay to be this kind of different. 

Don’t drop what the Lord has given to you like those before you as some of you have already accepted the calling but are living in fear of it. You are afraid of being judged. You are afraid of getting it wrong. You are afraid to separate from others. You are afraid that people won’t like you anymore. Let go of that fear and allow the Lord to cast it out with His perfect love. You are not for everyone, but you have a message to share from the Lord.

Don’t get to the end of 2024 and leave the generational mantles laying as if they are useless and of no real significance. Ask for understanding and wisdom this year. Say YES to the Lord God. Be radical in your pursuit of Him and arise remnant, arise. Lay hold of the mantles that have been waiting for you!

As you dive deeper into what this means in your life and family line…ask the Lord: “Lord, what are the generational mantles in my family? Which ones got dropped? Why? When? How can I pick them up?”

The Lord is waiting on you to arise dear friends.


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