Grace in the Midst of Life's Storms

From Darkness to Light: One Woman's Journey Along the Path to Redemption

  • The 5 P’s for People in Your Life

    As I was journaling the other day, lost in thought, prayer for others, and really just trying to find the right words at the right time, I was moved by the Holy Spirit with such grace and love. My pen just began to flow with words and I was reminded of my own flesh and… Continue reading

  • Build the ‘Nests’

    As I am watching this mama Cardinal build her nest to prepare for her young, Holy Spirit sweetly reminded me the importance of building our “nests” for our young. I saw in a vision yesterday afternoon a young person picking up those sword and shield from a pile of them lying on the ground. She… Continue reading

  • The garden of our lives

    The Lord has been ministering to my heart this morning to wait on Him. Just wait. Don’t rush ahead to try and get things done. Just wait. That’s sometimes harder than not when you are used to trying to meet last minute deadlines, things are constantly changing in one area of your life but there… Continue reading

  • The Breakdown of Bitterness

    As I was reading Acts 14:2, Holy Spirit so tenderly spoke to me about bitterness. While Paul and Barnabas were preaching the gospel, there were those who didn’t belief and caused bitterness in the minds of the Gentiles as a way to turn people away from hearing the truth of Jesus. When we allow others… Continue reading

  • You Can’t Live on Borrowed Faith Forever

    Psalm 100:5 “For the Lord is good; His mercy endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.” As I was reading this verse of Scripture, some questions came to mind that I felt like Holy Spirit was asking me to share. It seems as if many in the church have skated by on their parents… Continue reading

  • There are generational mantels waiting for you.

    In every family there is a mantle (or more) that either gets passed down to the next generation or dropped. Mantles that are picked up or passed on, help families move in the prophetic, pastoral, evangelistic, teaching, missions, and more. Mantles that are dropped, must be picked up or they will continue to pass “over” from… Continue reading

  • The Jaded Spirit

    In 2018 I wrote these three words: “The Jaded Spirit”…and then off I went about my business and well didn’t revisit it until tonight. I have asked the Holy Spirit what He meant by “The Jaded Spirit” and here it is…my own experience with it. “The Jaded Spirit” was something I carried for a very long… Continue reading

  • What you see as dead and fallen

    What you see as dead and fallen, the Father sees as alive and going to rise again.  During this time of year the trees start to shed their leaves after they change colors.  Eventually all the leaves will fall and the trees will look as though they are dying as they enter a dormant season… Continue reading

  • When you miss being wanted & the voids we try to fill.

    Women in general often times miss being wanted. Regardless of what they have been through in their lives, whether it is traumatic such as sexual exploitation, divorce, childhood trauma such as divorced parents or being adopted, there is always a sense of longing that lingers deep in their hearts. A deep sense of wanting to… Continue reading

  • The Enemy in Your Camp

    This morning as I sat with the Lord and studied about David’s life and how Saul continually sought to kill him, I discovered a nugget of truth that many of us don’t hear in churches today. In 1 Samuel to 2 Samuel, you read of the life of a young boy who has been anointed… Continue reading

  • The Purest form of Love…my story of Redemption

    First years I had no idea that I was made in the image of God. I didn’t even know what image meant other than the shallow thoughts and vain imaginations. Including what others told me, media and music influences. The condemnation, shame, and guilt screamed louder than anything else. On top of addictions of all… Continue reading

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